Monday, September 8, 2008

The Time Is Near

We are now down to less than 48 hours until I leave for Tanzania. I have to be honest, I'm starting to stress out a bit. Last night I went out for one last time with all of the people here at Wartburg who mean the most to me. It was pretty tough to realize that I will basically be cut off from these people for three months - these are the people who have supported me through everything, and I won't be able to just drive over to campus or call them up if things start to get rough. I think that, at this point, that is the most difficult part of leaving - the prospect of being alone and being forced to be on my own and deal with things on my own for three months. Granted, this will be the experience of a lifetime. I just am almost afraid to experience it without those people who have been there through so much.
I guess I'm just reaching that point where I want to be there and not feel as though I am stuck in limbo. I am just ready for this to start. I'm sick of goodbyes. I'm not ready for this. I feel like I don't want to go anymore. I just feel so discontent about leaving. I am afraid that I can't do this and I will let myself and everyone else down.

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