Monday, November 24, 2008

Some Sights.

Downtown morogoro... it is kind of a sprawling city. This is the heart of downtown - it is looking towards the daladala station.
From the last orphanage visit... she was such a cutie.
Tim with one of the crazy boys.
I just fall in love every time.
Natalie and another kid - we usually end up being human jungle gyms.
On the swing with Gifti.
Pretty sure this kid peed on me but cute nonetheless.
Kidege and Gifti (she was adorable and attached to him quite quickly).
On the swings... this kid had the cutest smile with huge dimples but I couldn't catch it on film.
Each and every sunset here is beautiful and different... as Barry (a new student from Australia says, 'it's just lovely.')
Luka's beautiful tiles.
My Travel companions monkeying around.
Florian with one of the kids.
Kidege pushing some kids on the swingset - they were almost all calling him Baba (dad/father)
Natalie and I hanging out with some kids at the orphanage.
Massai wire jewelry - usually women wear this wrapped around their arms or ankles.

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